one of the great websites out there is, which compiles reviews for every movie that premieres and then rates it either fresh or rotten. basically, if 60% of the reviews are positive, it's considered fresh.
"basic instinct 2" just earned a rotten score that was, i shit you not, 6% fresh.
so that means 6% of the critics who saw it liked it.
ladies and gentlemen, that's borderline impossible.
please consider that many critics aren't critics at all; they're just handsomely influenced hacks endowed by the major studios. basically, they get paid to say nice things. they have not a critical bone in their bodies. it takes a major crapbomb of monumental proportions for them not to like it.
once again, "basic instinct 2". six percent fresh.
which means it just made my must-see list, just for the sheer curiosity of watching something completely horrible.
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