Tuesday, August 29, 2006

how i'm either old or lucky

i'm watching "streetball" on espn2, and as much fun i get from watching their incredible brand of "basketball", i really get a ride watching waliyy "main event" dixon. you see, the summer before my senior season, my summer team played waliyy's west jersey all-star aau team (he's from linden) in trenton. during the blowout, he was leading a fast break and i got my tail back on d.

i did everything right. i sprinted back to the hoop and sized up the ballhandler - dixon. and, at the last possible moment, i froze up and prepared to take the charge.

i'm still waiting for it. waliyy dixon literally jumped over me, splitting his legs and elevating up and over, and dunked on my head. and i'm talking suddenly elevating up and over. up up and away elevating.

he wound up becoming an all-american and playing at rutgers, and now he's a superstar on the and1 tour.

anyways, on the show, he's talking to the maker of the upcoming film "crossover", and he mentioned that he's excited for his kids to see this movie. he then mentioned that his oldest son is headed to north carolina a&t.

this man, who was my age when he literally jumped over me in high school, now has a son 17 years old.

ummm, wow. i own a blue bag that's about 20 years old. i have a public enemy cd that's about 19 years old.

and, yeah, that's about it.


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