Wednesday, November 08, 2006

how text messaging will never be greater than this

here's a clip of kevin federline on muchmusic. and here's all the things i find funny about this:

1. him rapping
2. stupid teenage girls "awwing" as he talks about how he misses his kids
3. and again when he talks about the diamond he gave his wife
4. him telling everyone how his wife supports him

and, most importantly,

5. how he learned about his divorce from a text message.

now, i'm not cheering on divorce, but i am cheering how he got it.

and that it probably said "i devorsing you. brinty".

i think that's also how donald rumsfeld found out that the president has relieved him of his duties. except it probably said, "d-rum. your fired. g-dub."

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