Wednesday, June 01, 2005

how some ideas for life aren't really good ideas

god bless christian slater - hollywood bad boy, panasonic pitchman.

CHRISTIAN VO: "you're having a bad day. there's a hot chick. why not grope her ass? panasonic. ideas for life."

if only panasonic picked up on this earlier, they could have fired their agency. it practically writes itself.

2003: "be happily married. invite the happily engaged ben affleck to your house. why not also invite strippers? panasonic. ideas for life."

1997: "go to party. snort a lot of coke. why not assault your girlfriend and a police officer? panasonic. ideas for life."

1994: "have to be in new york. have a plane ticket. why not take your gun with you? panasonic. ideas for life."

it's easy. click here for other christian slater antics and write your own. it's fun for the whole family!

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