Thursday, December 08, 2005

how to be adventurous

after a lean cuisine microwaveable dinner (don't laugh; they're actually pretty good), i decided to go to the corner store for a quick dessert. y'know, nothing that's gonna damage me, but something a little more dangerous than the banana i had hours beforehand. i didn't have anything in mind when i arrived.

but then, i saw it.

i'm talkin' about chedder beer kettle chips.


yeah, i was confused too. what the hell does cheddar have to do with beer? how did they know that they are both among my favorite things? how do you mix the two and which one takes the majority? and how did they coerce the kettle chip to join them in their dastardly plans?

how could i resist?

five minutes later, my tastebuds spoke with a resounding "eh. no big deal". and i'm as disappointed as you are.


Single, Party of One said...

Did you never have beer cheese when you went to the Circus in Atlanta? Good God, man, that is some good shit. If you didn't have it, you let me know and I'll email you a recipe and/or a place where you can order some. Beer cheese will set you free and I fear that trying to represent it in a chip flavor just did not do the combo justice.

By the way, those Lean Cuisines are the freaking DEVIL. If you're still in Seattle, they're the first step to hell. Seriously. Seattle + darkness + rain + frozen meal laden with preservatives = bad. I know they're 5 for $10 at Safeway but run like the wind, my friend. I'm just sayin'.

Jaime Schwarz said...

I lived off the bluehouse or something like that, bluebird maybe?, frozen dinners from the Albertsons on Masonic for a $1 each. So apparently those frozen dinners let me live so that i could hear that there's such a things as beercheese? Comeon! I'll admit actually thinking that peanut butter goes great with either jam or chocholate is pretty mindboggling but I came to grips with it. I will never come to grips with BeerCheese!